Culinary Delights
By Planet (in chronological order)
"The catering is deemed one of the highlights of the planet and, indeed, wears the Four Comets of Gastronomical Excellence."
--Brainship Brendan, BB1066
from Killashandra by Anne McCaffrey

CS = Crystal Singer, K = Killashandra, CL = Crystal Line,
Page numbers refer to the US 19th printing paperback of Crystal Singer, the US 7th printing paperback of
and the first US mass market edition of Crystal Line

From Crystal Singer
On Fuerte and in transit to Ballybran
- Off-world fish casserole (off world being not from Fuerte)
- Forellan biscuits and Aldebaran paste
- Shellfish (22)
- Sarvonian brandy (Andurs drinks it on the Rag blue Swan Delta) (34)
On Ballybran
- Hearty casserole of assorted legumes (64)
- Light wine (64)
- Hot and cold dishes, protein, vegetable and fruit
- Hot Clear broth (108) restorative after unloading sleds
- Sweet Yellow Melons: Fuertan fruit (mentioned 139)
- Hearty, nourishing soup of assorted legumes (156)
- Carbohydrate drink to boost blood sugar level (183)
- Morsels of food in a rich, spicy sauce (enough sauce that one can search for the morsels in it) (195)
- Soup (168)
- Protein Bars (218)
- High-protein and glucouse cereal (232)
- Steaming, seeded, appetizer (234)
- Small brilliant green spheres (234)
- Orange and green milsi stalks “excellent for trace minerals” (235)
- Tasty legume (steakbean?) (235)
- Lemon-yellow cubes (sharpish cheese) that complements steakbean (235)
- Steakbean (235)
- Dry White Wine (237)
- Spicefish (238) (which has a pungent spicy odor)
- Pepper fruit (tangy scent, long, thin furry fingers) (236, 268)
- Ices to clear the palate (vericolor sherbert) (236)
- Milsi stalks (248)
- Nut covered cubes (248)
- Nut meats (269)
- Small fried crispy squares (269)
On the Trundimoux Cruiser
- Red Fruit (277)
- Hot Cereal and nutmeat compound (277) (high in trace minerals, potassium, calcium?)

From Killashandra
On Ballybran
- Fried Malva Beans (crisp and white) (17)
- Nicely browned casserole (26)
On the Athena
- Bellemere (beer) sour (48)
- Fuertan Been
- Yarran beer
- Pilsner beer
On Optheria
- Colored liquids in beakers at Conservatory reception(71)
- Canapés at Conservatory reception (72)
- Optherian Beverage “nutritious liquid carefully combined to supply the adult daily requirements of vitamins and minerals (77)
- Bascum beer (79)
- Red and white Optherian wines (77)
- Polly brandy (79)
- Tidbits, Nuts, small wafers (80)
- Fortified wine
On Killa’s deserted Polly Island
- Yellowbacks (sweetest of fish in Killa’s polly island cove) (107)
- Polly tree: tender heart or soft pith (108)
With Keralaw
- Greens (119)
- Whiteroot (to make a good fry) (119)
- Fresh Fish (119)
- Juice, likely polly juice (120)
- Grey (121)
At the Angel Island barbeque
- Long Beef (123) (has a long animal carcass)
- Smacker (123) (massive fish) black flesh. Succulent, highly unusual taste. Nothing oily or fishy about it.
- Kegs of Beer (128)
- Jugs of Fermented polly fruit (128) more subtle than over ripe polly fruit
- Slices of roasted meat (juicy, thin) (133)
- Breaded fried fish bits (133)
- Steaming whiteroots (133)
- Chopped raw vegetable (133)
- Large yellow tubers that had been baked in polly leaves and exuded a pungent spiciness (133)
- Red Melon (large, dark, seeds in the middle, inedible rind, dripping with juice at every slice. Sweet, tasted like velvet) (134)
Lars and Killa’s private hideaway
- Fresh fruits (145)
- Bread (145)
- Soft, savory cheese (145)
- Flavorful dried fish (145)
- Wine (145)
- Yellowbacks fried (likely with oil and seasonings on a frying sheet) (145)
Hurricane food on Angel Island
- Hot soup (being served by Keralaw) (166)
- Sandwiches (180)
- Hot tidbits (180)
- Soup (183)
- Basic stew (183)
- High-protein biscuits (183)
Angel Island dinner with Elder Torkes
- Polly wine (225)
- Polly: fruit, pulp and heart (basis for 9 dishes) (227)
- Smacker: chowder, boiled, broiled, and fried in a delicious light batter with a rich piquant sauce (227)
- Large Yellowbacks lightly broiled with silver nuts (227)
- Succulent mollusk grilled with a dollop of some flavor enhancer (227)
- Salads of greens, moulded salads of some jellied vegetable, fruit and fish (227)
- Polly liqueur

From Crystal Line
On the BB-1066
- Suit food (smoothies?)
- Refried steak beans (35)
- Orange-and-green milsi stalks (35)
- Grilled protein (35)
- Bright green vegetable spheres (small enough to cram many in one’s mouth) (36)
- Yeast bread (Brendan’s specialty) (36)
- Fruit Beverage (54)
- Hot caffeine rich drink (56)
- Clear soup
- Juice (57)
- Cereal (57)
- Tasty bivalves mentioned being on Nihal 3 (57)
Armagh- Trefoil Island
- Fish Oil (export from Armagh) (158)
- Lunk (oil fish) (161)
- Harmat (161)
- Hot pies (161)
- Spiderfish (167)
- Crackerjaw, (caught on Spindrift) (167)
- Skater (caught on Mandalay) (167)
- Welladay Whale (167)
- Territ and flatfish for fine eating (169)
- crustaceans and bivalves for high livers (169)
- Sea fruit: grape and plum (170)
- Seaweed (171)
- Fruit chips steeped in wine (185)
- Bivalves dug from the sand (185)
- Baked shellfish (185)
On Ballybran
- Nicco spikes (211)
- Panfried fish, sweet and delicate in flavor and flesh (221)
On the BB-1066
Site created by Topanya Meliora, copyright © 2006. All rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright ©
Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2006, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.
Questions? Comments? E-mail cstopanya at ballybran dot org
Last updated April 2006