CS = Crystal Singer, K = Killashandra, CL = Crystal Line,
c1 = Continuum #1, c2 = Continuum #2, c3 = Continuum #3,
c4 = Continuum #4

- Ampris: (K) An Elder of the planet Optheria. He was responsible for the Music Complex during Killashandra's time on
the planet. One of the Elders who had to answer to the Supreme
Judiciary regarding their governance of the planet.
- Amon: (CS) Senior Captain. He piloted the shuttle from
Ballybran to Shankill as Killashandra was leaving for the Trundimoux
- Andurs: (CS) Captain of the Rag Blue Swan Delta. He tried to persuade Killashandra not to apply to the Heptite Guild.
- Antona: (CS, K) Chief Medical Officer of the Heptite Guild.
Became one of Killashandra's friends.
- Apharian Four Satellite Miners League: (CL, c1)
- Asramantal:(CL) crystal carton carrier on last trip to Opal. Helped Boira get Killa back to the ship.
- Ardlor Bart:(c3) Crystal Singer. the Continuum equivalent of Moksoon. Described as "an immensely sullen yellow-skinner Coombsite."

- Bajorn: (K) Travel Officer, Shanganagh moon base.
- Balderol: (K) Optherian Music Conservatory instructor whose students were waiting for the main conservatory organ to be repaired.
- Ballala: (K) Angel Islander.
- Ballivor: (c4)
- Bart: (K) Angel Islander. Gave Lars his handset and antigrav unit as the hurricane was building.
- Bascum: (K) One of the founding fathers of Optheria. Makes a potent brew. Originally from Yarra.
- Biyanco: (CL, C2) Brewman of Harmat. Killashandra's second Trefoil bedmate.
- Blackwell Triad:(CL) Came looking for crystals
- Blaz: (K) Security Leader of Optheria's Music Center. Causes Killa's exit into Gartertown.
- Bollam: (CL) Trag's replacement as Lanzecki's assistant.
- Borella Seal: (CS) CS who gave Class 895 their full disclosure. Was trained by one of the original singers.
- Borton: (CS, L) class 895. from Amodeus VII, Argma. Had his second mate's deep space certificate as well as radiology qualifications. Oldest member of class 895. Paired with Jezerey. Was a CS after adaptation.
- Brassner: (K) part of Nahia's entourage
- Brendan: (CL) Ship half of the BB 1066. Killashandra and Lars'
transport to Opal.
- Boira: (CL) Brawn half of the BB1066, but not present on the Opal mission.

- Carrigana: (CS) Class 895. Died during symbiont adaptation.
- Carrik: (CS, c1) The first Crystal Singer Killashandra meets. Shows her the resort life of Fuerte. Is rendered into a vegetable state from a sonic blast at Fuerte's shuttle port.
- Castair: (K) Optherian. Blaz's second in command. Had been known to look the other way for student romps.
- Celee: (CS) class 895. Spacer. Made only a tolerable adjustment, but retained his senses and was assigned to shuttle piloting.
- Chadria: (K) Brawn of the scout ship CS914, which transported Killashandra and others from Optheria
- Chasurt: (CS) Captain and chief medical officer on the Trundimoux ship.
- Clarend nab Ost: (CL) Cutter technician
- Clodine: (CL) Sorter. Enthor's replacement. From Scarteen.
- Comgail: (K) Lars' composition tutor. Destroyed the crystal manual of the main Optherian Festival Organ.
- Concera: Crystal Singer who trained Killashandra in the basics of her new craft (rules and regs etc.) Had past training in music.
- Corish von Mittelstern: (K) met Killa on the FSPS Athena. Cover story said from Rheingarten in Beta Jungische system. In reality FSP agent looking for Olav Dahl.
- Crookback: (CS) recruit nickname for the Guild meditech with an odd
crook to one shoulder.

- Danin: (CS) Guildmember in Flight Control on Ballybran. Falnog, Jezerey and Borton were told to take their pilot cards to
- Dian Fiske-Ulass: (CL) Donalla's mother
- Donalla Fiske-Ulass: (CL)
Originated from Fuerte, came to the Heptite Guild due to an uncurable disease.
Becomes a researcher.
- Dooth: (CS) Crystal Singer. Cut a lovely piece of rose quartz
that Kilashandra saw while sorting with Enthor.

- Enthor: (CS, K) crystal sorter. Originated fom Hyperion.
- Erutown: (K) part of Nahia's entourage. Denounced as a recruited by the Optherian authorities.

- Falanog: (CS) Member of class 895. He was already qualified on surface and shuttle craft at training time.
- Fanerine:(CL) Crystal Singer who comments during Lars' speech to the CS's that have cut Black after Killashandra's
return from Trefoil
- Fergil:(c4) Crystal Singer.
- Festinel: (K) Captain of the cruiser that takes Killa and Lars from Angel Island to the City.
- Fernock: (K) Engineering officer of the cruiser that takes Killa and Lars from Angel Island to the City.
- Fisher: (also known by The Fisherman): Heptite Guild Cutter Technician.
- Fiske-Ulass, Governor: Governor of Fuerte
- Flicken:(CL) pilot of the shuttle carrying LArs and Killa back to Ballybran after the last Opal trip.
- Ford: (CS) Reception attendant of the transient accommodations, Shankill
Moon Base
- Francu: (CS) Star Captain of the Trundimoux Navy
- Formeut: (c4)Crystal Singer
- Fugastri: (CS) CS known for being a devil, according to Enthor.
- Funadormi: (K) Baliff of Grand Felony Court 256, Regulus Base

- Garnish, Skipper:(CL) Referred to while on Trefoil. Orric said he needed "another good run."
- Gobbain Tekla: (K) Crystal Singer. He was also being considered for the Optherian assignment. Failed musician.
- Gorren: (CS) Crystal singer known for his clack crystal cuttings
- Gray, Bontel Aba: (CS) FSP Civil Service on Shankill Moon Base. Conducted the formalities to assure the FSP that Killashandra had received full disclosure
from the Heptite Guild.

- Hauness: (K) Nahia's escort. Trained hypnotherapist.
- Heglana: (CS) Chief Marketing Officer of the Heptite Guild
- Hendra Ree: (CL) Medic who escorted Donalla to Ballybran. One of Killashandra's relatives.

- Ibray:(c3) Crystal Singer. One of Killashandra's possible shepherds.

- Jaygrin:(CL) Crystal Singer. Part of the group Lars was trying to convince to cut from coordinates.
- Jezerey: (CS)class 895. from Salonika in the Antares group where she was a limb replacement specialist. Paired with Borton. CS after adaptation.
- Jorell: (K) driver of the harbor boat as the Angel Island hurricane was brewing.

- Keborgen: (CS) Crystal Singer owner of a very profitable black crystal claim that Killashandra commandeered after his demise.
- Keralaw: (K) owner of the Angel Island shop with the archaic information unit. Helpful to Killa after she rescued herself.
- Killashandra Ree: (CS,K, CL, c1-c4) Class 895. Born and Raised on Fuerte
where she studied music. Became a Crystal Singer upon learning that singing would not be the career she thought.
- Klera Saplinson-Trill: (CL) scientist studying planet Opal's "Fluid Metal"

- Lanzecki: (CS, K, CL, c2, c3, c4) originated from Yarrah, Guildmaster of the Heptite Guild at Killashandra's recruitment.
- Lars Dahl: (K, CL, c2) First Angel Islander to get into the Music conservatory. Killa's mystery tenor. Later Killashandra's
partner, lover and Guildmaster of the Heptite Guild. Referred to as Larsdahl in Continuum 2.

- Mama Tulla (K) owner of the washline Lars "borrowed" a shirt and kaftan from
- Mashid: (CL) Greeter and guide of Killashandra and Lars' Nihal III vacation.
- Marichandim: (CL) Crystal Singer. One of the 20 recalled by Lars for the big order of Black.
- Milekey, Barry: leader of the team dispatched to investigate the geological resources of Ballybran.
Discovered the amazing qualities of Black Crystal.
- Malaine: (CS) Cargo Officer, Main Hanger, Ballybran
- Mandoll: (K) cook at the Angel Island BBQ when the schooner came in
- Max Ennert:( CL, c2) Armagh III sea-fruit farmer.
- Mirbethan: (K) part of Killashandra's Optherian "quartet"
- Mistra: (CS) class 895. Paired with Shillawn. CS after adaptation.
- Moksoon: (CS) Killashandra's shepherd into the ranges. Has a love for pink quartz
- Monastarian: ship going race that Andurs makes reference to on Shankill.
- Murr: (CL) Flight Officer at the Guild Cube at Lanzecki's death.

- Nahia: (K) Optherian empath. "goodness personified"

- Olav Dahl: (K) Lars' father. Angel Island Harbor master. Late an FSP agent.
- Olin: (CS) CS friend of Borella
- Olver: (K) part of Nahia's entourage
- Orric Thursday: (CL) Fisherman. Wears a red beard. Has an interest in computers and often did wharfman's chores.

- Pat: (CL) Heptite Guild Harbor Master at beginning of Crystal Line.
- Pedder: (K) Optherian Elder. Afflicted with motion sickness.
- Pendel: (CS) Senior Lieutenant Supercargo of the "fill in ship name here". Yarran. Employed by the Mining Consortium, not the Trundi Council
- Pentrom: (K) Optherian Elder. Medical Supervisor. Against alcoholic beverages.
- Penwyn: (CL) Brain. Planetary Manager of Nihal III. Was in Brendan's class.
- Pirinio: (K) part of Killashandra's Optherian "quartet"
- Polabod: (K) part of Killashandra's Optherian "quartet"
- Prale: (K) On the boat with Lars when he abducted Killa.
- Presnol Outerad: (CL) Antona's replacement as Chief Medical Officer

- Rimbol Chenstalaz: (CS, K, CL) Crystal Singer, friend of Killashandra's from class 895.
Originated from Scartine where he was a string instrumentalist.
- Reticulans: (K) known for their croons. Looks like “an assembly of twigs on a barrel.”
- Ritwili:(CL) Supply Officer
- Rory: (c1) Possible student, a party was being held there after Killa's music final.
- Rudney Saplinson-Trill:(CL) scientist studying planet Opal's "fluid metal"

- Samel: (K) Brain of the scout ship CS914, which transported Killashandra and others from Optheria
- Selkite: non-oxygen breathing race.
- Shad Tucker: (CL, c2) Armagh fisherman. Blond and blue eyed. Had sailed the seas of four worlds before
landing on Armagh. Killashandra's third Trefoil bedmate.
- Shamus Thursday: (c2) Orric Thursday from Crystal Line.
- Shillawn Agus Vartry: (CS) class 895. was a chemotech. Was deaf after adaptation and assigned to research.
- Siglinda: (CL) Crystal Singer. One of the twenty called back by Lars to fill the large order for Blacks.
- Simcon: (K) Part of the security group that pissed Killashandra off.
- Soothi: (CL) crystal carton carrier on last trip to Opal. Helped Boira get Killa back to the ship.
- Sunny: (K, CL) Lars' nickname for Killashandra.

- Tac: (CS) female subordinate officer, Trundimoux Navy. One of Killa's escorts.
- Tallaf: (CS) Senior Lieutenant Engineer, Trundimoux Navy
- Tanny: (K) Lars' partner on Angel Island.
- Teradia: (K) Lars' grandmother. Makes Killa presentable for the elders.
- Terasolli:(CL) singer who installed the black crystal for the Blackwell Triad.
- Theach: (K) part of Nahia's entourage
- Thyrol: (K) part of Killashandra's Optherian "quartet"
- Tiagana:(CL) Crystal Singer. Part of the group LArs was trying to convince to cut from coordinates.
- Tic: (CS) female subordinate officer, Trundimoux Navy. One of Killa's escorts.
- Tir Od Nell:(CL) Armagh Fisherman. Black Beard. Working the Lunk season before returning to his usual inland job.
Killashandra's first Trefoil bedmate.
- Tir Donnell:(C2) Tir Od Nell equivalent in Continuum 2.
- Torkes: (K) Optherian Elder. Holds the Communications Seat.
- Trag Morfane: (CS, K) assistant Guildmaster and in charge of training Crystal Singers
- Trundimoux: (CS) mining group that Killa installed black crystal for.
- Tukolom: (CS) advisor for new guild recruits until adaptation a basic training is over. Aurigan by birth.

- Uyad: (Uyad-vuic-Holm) (CS)disgruntled singer who brought his cut for Enthor's inspection while Killa was assisting. Brought the appearance of the Guild Master.

- Valdi, Esmond Maestro: (CS, c1) Killashandra's teacher at Fuerte Music Center.
Site created by Topanya Meliora, copyright © 2006. All rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright ©
Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2006, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.
Questions? Comments? E-mail cstopanya at ballybran dot org
Last updated April 2006