Culinary Delights
By Type
CS = Crystal Singer, K = Killashandra, CL = Crystal Line,
Page numbers refer to the US 19th printing paperback of Crystal Singer, the US 7th printing paperback of
and the first US mass market edition of Crystal Line

- Yarran beer (CS, K, CL) cool, with a good mouth and a pleasant aftertaste: satisfying without filling
- Bellemere beer (K 48)
- Fuertan beer (K 48)
- Pilsner beer (K 48)
- Bascum beer (K 79), a mild brown brew. Created by one of Optheria's Founding Fathers who originated on Yarra.
- Kegs of Beer (K 128)
- Off world wine (off world meaning: not from Fuerte) (CS 10)
- Light wine (CS 64) eaten with a "hearty casserole of assorted legumes"
- Dry white wine (CS 237)
- Fortified wine (K 86)
- Red and White Optherian Wines (K 77) produced on the western continent.
- Wine (K 145)
- Polly wine (K 225)
- Hot caffeine rich drink (CL 56)
- Coffee (CL 109)
Other Alcoholic Beverages
- Sarvonian brandy (CS 34)
- Polly tree brandy (K 79)
- Polly liqueur (K 79)
- Harmat (CL 162) Armagh’s liquor made of fermented fruit; tart, cool and with a pleasant aftertaste
- Jugs of Fermented polly fruit (K 128) more subtle than over ripe polly fruit
Fruit drinks
- Lemon liquid (CA 110, 117) muscle relaxant
- Fruit beverage (CL 54)
- Juice (CL 57)
- Juice, likely polly juice (K 120)
Unknown drinks
- Carbohydrate drink to boost blood sugar level (CS 183)
- Colored liquids in beakers at Conservatory reception (K 71)
- Optherian Beverage “nutritious liquid carefully combined to supply the adult daily requirements of vitamins and minerals (K 77)

- Smacker served as chowder (K 227)
- Hot Clear broth (CS 108) restorative after unloading sleds
- Hearty, nourishing soup of assorted legumes (CS 156)
- Soup (CS 168, K 183)
- Hot soup (being served by Keralaw) (K 166)
- Basic stew (K 183)
- Clear soup (CL)
- Chicken soup (CL 290) Brendan had an old family recipe

Meats and Protein
Seafood Based
- Off-world fish casserole (off world being not from Fuerte)
- Shellfish dinner (CS 22)
- Spicefish (CS 238) which has a pungent spicy odor
- Panfried fish, sweet and delicate in flavor and flesh caught in Ballybran’s seas (CL 221)
- Yellowbacks (sweetest of fish in Killa’s polly island cove) (K 107)
- Fresh Fish (K 119)
- Smacker: chowder, boiled, broiled, and fried in a delicious light batter with a rich piquant sauce (K 227)
- Large Yellowbacks lightly broiled with silver nuts (K 227)
- Succulent mollusk grilled with a dollop of some flavor enhancer (K 227)
- Smacker (K 123) (massive fish) black flesh. Succulent, highly unusual taste. Nothing oily or fishy about it.
- Grey (K 121)
- Breaded fried fish bits (K 133)
- Tasty bivalves on Nihal 3 (mentioned CL 57)
- Flavorful dried fish (K 145)
- Yellowbacks fried (likely with oil and seasonings on a frying sheet) (K 145)
- Bivalves dug from the sand (CL 185)
- Baked shellfish (CL 185)
- Fish Oil (export from Armagh) (CL 158)
- Lunk (oil fish) ( CL 161)
- Hot pies (CL 161)
- Spiderfish (CL 167)
- Crackerjaw, (caught on Spindrift) (CL 167)
- Skater (caught on Mandalay) (CL 167)
- Welladay Whale (CL 167)
- Territ and flatfish for fine eating (CL 169)
- Crustaceans and bivalves for high livers (CL 169)
- Bluefin (CL 167)
- Long Beef (K 123) (has a long animal carcass)
- Slices of roasted meat (juicy, thin) (K 133)
- Protein bars (CS 218)
- Grilled protein (CL 35) referred to as Lars' "usual"

Vegetable based
- Hearty casserole of assorted legumes (CS 64)
- Tasty legume (steakbean?) (CS 235)
- Steakbean (CS 235)
- Fried Malva Beans (crisp and white) (K 17)
- Steaming whiteroots (K 133)
- Chopped raw vegetable (K 133)
- Large yellow tubers that had been baked in polly leaves and exuded a pungent spiciness (K 133)
- Refried steak beans (CL 35)
- Orange-and-green milsi stalks (CL 35)
- moulded salads of some jellied vegetable (K 227)
- Salads of greens (K 227)
- Greens (K 119)
- Whiteroot (to make a good fry) (K 119)
- Orange and green milsi stalks “excellent for trace minerals” (CS 235)
- Milsi stalks (CS 235,248; CL 35, 36, 84, 154) orange and green in color. Served stewed on CS 235
- Seaweed (CL 171)
- Bright green vegetable spheres (CL 36)
- Steamed roots (CL 185)

Fruits and Fruit Based
- Sweet Yellow Melons: Fuertan fruit (mentioned CS 139)
- Red Melon (large, dark, seeds in the middle, inedible rind, dripping with juice at every slice. Sweet, tasted like velvet) (K 134)
- Fresh fruits (K 145)
- Sea fruit: grape and plum (CL 170)
- Polly: fruit, pulp and heart (basis for 9 dishes) (K 227)
- Polly tree: tender heart or soft pith (K 108)
- Fruit chips steeped in wine (CL 185)
- Red Fruit (CS 277)
- Pepper fruit (CS 236, 268) tangy scent, long, thin furry fingers

Breads and Cereals
- High-protein and glucouse cereal (CS 232)
- Hot Cereal and nutmeat compound (CS 277) (high in trace minerals, potassium, calcium?)
- Cereal (CL 57)
Breads and cheese
- Bread (K 145)
- Soft, savory cheese (K 145)
- Sandwiches (K 180)
- High-protein biscuits (K 183)
- Yeast bread (Brendan’s specialty) (CL 36)
- Forellan biscuits and Aldebaran paste (CS 12)
- Lemon-yellow cubes (sharpish cheese) that complements steakbean (CS 235)
- Cheese with holes in it [expression “what a cheese hole” used (CL-23), so the real thing must have existed, too]

Other foods
Appetizers, nuts and desserts
- Steaming, seeded, appetizer (CS 234)
- Tidbits, Nuts, small wafers (K 80)
- Nut meats (CS 269)
- Nut covered cubes (CS 248)
- Hot tidbits (K 180)
- Canapés at Conservatory reception (K 72)
- Ices to clear the palate (vericolor sherbert) (CS 236)
- Nut meat compound, in hot cereal (CS 277)
- Casserole of off world fish (off world meaning: not from Fuerte) (CS 9)
- Seafood casserole on Shankill that Killa had on Fuerte (CS 51)
- Hearty casserole of assorted legumes and a light wine (CS 64)
- Nicely browned casserole (K 26)
- Morsels of food in a rich, spicy sauce (enough sauce that one can search for the morsels) (CS 195)
- Small fried crispy squares (CS 269)
- Nicco spikes (CL 211) Killashandra hates and Lars likes
- Small brilliant green spheres (CS 234)
- Stodge (CS 274) served on board the Trundimoux cruiser
- Aldebaran paste, eaten with Forellan biscuits (CS 12)
Site created by Topanya Meliora, copyright © 2006. All rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright ©
Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2006, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.
Questions? Comments? E-mail cstopanya at ballybran dot org
Last updated April 2006