Galactic Destinations
Brought to you by Shankill Travel Authority

CS = Crystal Singer, K = Killashandra, CL = Crystal Line,
c1 = Continuum #1, c2 = Continuum #2, c3 = Continuum #3, c4 = Continuum #4

- Armagh: (CL) Armagh III contains the continent Trefoil. It has a pleasant tropical zone with plentiful water sports. Local culinary talents tend to lean towards fish and fruits.
Major exports are fish oils and glue.
- Amodeus VII, Argma (CS) Borton's home world. Fishing is done the old-fashioned way there.
- Baliol:(CL) Lars refers to it in a sentence with Maxim, so it may be
a similar planet.
- Balisdel:(CS) nearest manufacturing system to Trundimoux.
- Ballybran: (CS, K, CL c1-c4) Home of the Heptite Guild. No unauthorized planetary landings section 907, code 4, paragraphs 78-90.
- Bernard’s World: (K) one of 4 exchanges on Killashandra’s trip to Optheria
- Buckwell's Star:(c4) referred to as a dull place
- Copper: (CS) Trundimoux mining station
- Fuerte: (CS, K, CL, c1, c3) Killashandra Ree’s homeworld. Conservative government. Pacific. Known to make good hosts to Ballybran symbiont
- Flag III:(CL) Where Lars saw Angel II's sister ships and fell in love.
- Hardesty: (CS) revolution referred to by Carrik.
- Hyperion: (CS) home planet of Enthor. One of the first planets settled in Alpha Proxima.
- Iron: (CS) Trundimoux mining station
- Kachachurian: (K) nothing really said of it.
- Kunjab: (K)one of 4 exchanges on Killashandra’s trip to Optheria
- Mandalay: (CL) one of the worlds Shad Tucker has fished on. Caught one of the largest "Skaters" (a type of fish) on record.
- Maxim: (K) pleasure planet in the Barderi system. A much sought after destination.
- Melorica: (K) one of 4 exchanges on Killashandra’s trip to Optheria
- Murtagh River:(CL) Referred to by Biyanco. "The tuner's got a waiting list as long as Murtagh River."
It is likely a very long river on Armagh III.
- Nepal: (CL) Planet Sherpa's (Nihal III) main continent.
- Nihal III: (CL) aka: Planet Sherpa. In the Lepus sector. Has unusual recreation facilities and viewed as a honeymoon spot.
Known for its mountain sports. Catering wears the Four Comets of Gastronomical Excellence.
- Opal: (CL) in the 478-S-2937 system in the Libran area of space.
A crystal like life form inhabits its surface.
- Optheria: (K) self-sufficent planet that imported the minimum. Ballybran crystal was allowed for the organ because music is natural.
Censorship and subliminal conditioning was used to keep residents from desiring residence elsewhere.
- Parnell's World:(c4) Offered various activities of pleasure and vice.
- Rani: (K) in the Punjab system. One of Ballybran’s four neighbors. Suggested by Antona as the best of the four for rest and relaxation. It has marvelous hot springs.
- Rappahoe: (K) one of 4 exchanges on Killashandra’s trip to Optheria
- Regulus Base: Home to the FSP main offices (at least the judicial branch)
- Rheingarten: (K) in the Beta Jungische system. Used as the planet of origin for Corish's cover story.
- Rommell: (c4)
- Salonika: (CS) Home of Jezery. A mining world due to the asteroid belts around it and the neighboring planet. Limb replacement is a large industry.
- Scarteen: (CS, K, CL) In the Huntsman system. Home of Clodine and Rimbol. Known for its sailing in the Great Oceans.
- Shankill: largest of Ballybran’s 3 moons. Main transfer station and home of the Guild’s off planet offices. The moon base had been operating 334 years standard galactic at
Killashandra's first stay there.
- Shanganagh: middle of Ballybran’s moons. Where BB1066 waited for Lars
and Killashandra for transport to Opal
- Sherpa: (CL) Nihal III
- Shilmore: innermost and smallest of Ballybran’s moons. Greenish tint.
- Spindrift:(CL) One of the worlds Shad Tucker fished on. Has crackerjaw fish.
- Taliesin:(c4) Four travel days from Ballybran. Musically inclined world that believes Crystal Singers seduce people into the Guild.
- Trace:(CS)the homeworld of Barry Milekey
- Trefoil: (CL)on the southeasten coast of the main continent of Armagh III. Killashandra's vacation spot while estranged from Lars. The Golden Dolphin boasts the best local brew.
- Trundimoux (CS) Miners. Has one habitable planet, one ice planet, one gas planet and three asteroid belts
- Weasust (CS) where the first off-planet crystal singer death occured.
- Welladay:(CL) one of the worlds Shad Tucker has been on. He fished Welladay Whales.
- Yarra: home of Yarran beer

Places on Ballybran
- Bay Area
- Blue Range (CS, c1): Range reffered to by Carrik, northeast of the Guild Cube
- Brerreton Range (CS): Range almost directly south of the Guild Cube
- Buland (CS) South Durian continent, on the coast of the Great Ocean. Referred to during the storm showing
- Hoyland (CS) South Durian continent, on the coast of the Great Ocean. Referred to during the storm showing
- Joslin Plateu: Where most foodstuffs were grown including: fruits,
vegetables, grasses, lichens, fungi and exotics.
- Long Plain:(CS) east of the guild cube
- Milekey Range: named after Barry Milekey, northeast of the guild cube
- North Ballinteer: (CS) Farming land with snow sports in the winter.
- Ghanghe Range:(CL) once had plentiful blues, now all mined out.
- Great Ocean (CS) Tsunami prone. North Durian continent has a coast on it.
- South Durian Continent (CS) has a shore on the Great Ocean
- Tortugal Hills:(c3)
- White Sea:(CS) mentioned in relation to other places, west of the Guild Cube.

Places on Optheria
- Angel Island: (K, CL) Home of Lars Dahl
- Bar Island: (K) badly hit by the hurricane.
- Bailey (K) Home of one of the two manual organs.
- Broad Sea: (K) Referred to, but not much said.
- Everton (K) Home of one of the two manual organs.
- Gartertown: (K) Where the illegal brewery was.
- Ironwood (K) Where Nahia and Hauness' clinic is. It has a two manual organ.
- the City: (K) Optheria's capital settlement.
- Mainland: (K) 8000 kilos from the islands
- Maitland (K) Referred to in passing.
- North Harbor (K) Where Angel Island's main medical facilities were.
- Palamo (K) Home of one of the two manual organs.
- Ridge: (K) Part of Angel Island
Site created by Topanya Meliora, copyright © 2006. All rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright ©
Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2006, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.
Questions? Comments? E-mail cstopanya at ballybran dot org
Last updated April 2006