Other Cultures
Why wasn't I told about the Selkites?" --CS Killashandra Ree
From Anne McCaffrey's Crystal Singer

CS = Crystal Singer, K = Killashandra, CL = Crystal Line,
c1 = Continuum #1, c2 = Continuum #2, c3 = Continuum #3,
c4 = Continuum #4

- Apharian Four Satellite Miners League: (CL, c1) referred to when looking for mining data.
- Blackwell Triad:(CL) Came to Ballybran looking for crystals
- Monastarian: (CS) ship going race that Andurs makes reference to on Shankill.
- Reticulans: (K) known for their croons. Looks like “an assembly of twigs on a barrel.”
- Selkite: (CS) non-oxygen breathing race. Travel on their vessels is not recommended due to stinkiness
- Trundimoux: (CS) Sometimes referred to as "Trundies" sometimes "Moux."
Site created by Topanya Meliora, copyright © 2006. All rights reserved.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright ©
Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2006, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.
Questions? Comments? E-mail cstopanya at ballybran dot org
Last updated April 2006